SIAM is the Apex National Body representing Indian Automobile Industry

Venue : Virtual
Event Type :Seminars
Date : 24-Feb-2022   Time :1400 – 1700 hrs

 Sponsorship Opportunity

Tentative Programme



SIAM is organizing the 16th Styling & Design Conclave along with the 14th Automotive Design Challenge (ADC), as per the following details:


  • Date    :         24th February, 2022 (Thursday)
  • Time   :         1400 – 1700 hrs


Design professionals and experts closely associated with Styling & Design from domestic and global fraternity will be sharing their experiences with case studies on new and successful products, effective design process and on role of design in building and sustaining brands.

We would request you to kindly block your diary for the 16th Styling & Design Conclave (Virtual Platform), which is being organized by SIAM on 24th February 2022. Further details of the conclave would be shared with you in due course.


Theme of the conclave is Reimagining Mobility for the New Normal with a special emphasis on how the Future of Shared Mobility for Gen Glass is going to pan out and how the Passenger Experience is getting evolved, against the backdrop of transformation happening in the Auto sector on several fronts.


The registration fee per participant is INR 2,000 plus 18% GST


Keeping in view the objective of improving skill sets, SIAM is encouraging students to look at Automotive Styling vocation. SIAM has also initiated a design competition among students – Automotive Design Challenge (ADC), which will culminate during the conclave, when the final evaluation of submissions would be made and awards will be given to the winners.


For any query on registration kindly contact